These classes are for First Responders and are POST approved. To schedule a training, email 

40-Hour CIT Certificate Class

This course gives an in-depth look at mental illness and its implications for law enforcement. We cover schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, mood disorders, cognitive disorders, personality and substance disorders, suicide assessment, adolescent and elder issues, PTSD, suicide by cop, and mental health courts. Advocates and consumers of mental health services speak on their experiences. There will also be a panel of providers for a panel discussion as well as extensive role-play exercises featuring professional actors.

This intense and interactive course runs five full days.

8-Hour Mental Health Awareness Class with Refresher

This 8-hour class is helpful to understanding the basics of mental illness. The class will cover an overview of mental illness, schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, mood disorders, cognitive disorders, personality and substance disorders. We will look at the causes and nature of the illnesses, typical patterns of behaviors, common medications, and guidelines for officer response. We provide information on de-escalation methods in the class and we also do role-playing with professional actors.

This class will serve as a refresher course for those who have completed the 40 Hour CIT Certification Class and is 1 full day.

8-Hour Bias and Cultural Awareness and ASD Class

This 8-hour class will include 4 hours of helping to understand prejudices in society and a review of how bias is formed, maintained and changed. The class will also provide an awareness of the differences in cultures for the first responder. An additional 4 hours will cover Autism Spectrum Disorder, the symptoms to watch for, and the behavior associated with it. Information will be provided to help understand these differences in society and how to avoid misunderstandings and improve communication.