The Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition focuses on many important initiatives within the Chemical and Mental Health spaces. Learn more about initiatives in each category below.
These initiatives are the core of the Coalition’s work. For more information, click on the links below.
The Coalition offers various POST-approved CIT Certificate Classes that provide First Responders with an in-depth look at mental illness and its implications for law enforcement.
Naloxone training is a free training for organizations and individuals on the administration of naloxone, the medication that can reverse an opioid overdose.
Evidence-Based Programs
Compliance Checks
The Coalition works with police departments regularly conduct Compliance Checks at all alcohol and tobacco establishments.
The Rice County Family Recovery Support Program is committed to walking alongside parents recovering from addiction as they work to make changes in their lives by meeting them where they are at and providing support and connections to resources in their community.
Community members can pick up a free naloxone kit at participating Rice County pharmacies.
The Coalition supports a community-wide effort to increase access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder.
The Mobile Opioid Support Team (MOST) helps individuals using or in recovery from opiate drug use by providing support and connections to community resources.
Peer Support
The Coalition supports county-wide efforts to connect individuals to Certified Peer Recovery Support specialists who helps them recover from substance use or mental health disorders.
Syringe Service Programs (SSP) are community prevention programs that provide a range of services that protect communities and prevent the spread of disease.
Medication disposal boxes are in the lobbies of the police departments in Faribault and Northfield, plus the Rice County Sheriff’s office.
Advocacy and Education
Elected Officials Event
Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention (N-ASAP) seeks to raise community awareness about local youth substance use and to make recommendations for community interventions to reduce youth use.
Parent and Community Outreach
A social host ordinance makes it illegal to knowingly provide a location/environment for underage drinking.
Community Events
Night to Unite
Rice County’s Night to Unite is an evening to gather with your neighbors, get to know each other, and promote community safety!
Recovery in the Park
This fun, family friendly, and chemically-free event builds connections between those affected by substance use, their friends and family, and supportive agencies.
Community-Based Coalitions
RAVE (Reduction and Awareness of Vaping and E-Cigarette Use)
RAVE seeks to prevent and reduce vaping among youth across Rice County.
The SMSP Coalition has a focus on prevention while taking a comprehensive approach to prevent substance misuse and suicide experiences in youth ages 10 – 24. As a community driven comprehensive prevention plan is developed, the coalition will assist with its implementation.